This indicator delivers information concerning the changes in the price movements based on either a past close or a current-day open in comparison to the current price level.
The Daily Performance can be displayed in points, ticks, percent, or a currency value.
Regarding usage with a scanner: To get a list of your favorite stocks and their daily percentual changes, please set CalculateOnFinishedBar to “False”, TimeFrame to “1 Day”, Calculation mode to “Percent” and Days ago to “0”.
//How many ticks are between today’s open and the current price?DailyPerformance(DailyPerformanceReference.Open,DailyPerformanceCalculationMode.Ticks,1)[0]//By how much percent did the stock rise/fall since the last closing price?DailyPerformance(DailyPerformanceReference.PreviousClose,DailyPerformanceCalculationMode.Percent,1)[0]//By how many points/ticks did the future deviate from the start of the trading week to the current value?DailyPerformance(DailyPerformanceReference.PreviousClose,DailyPerformanceCalculationMode.Points,3)[0]//How many EURO/USD does the performance equal?DailyPerformance(DailyPerformanceReference.PreviousClose,DailyPerformanceCalculationMode.Currency,3)[0]//How big is the overnight gap in comparison to the opening price?DailyPerformance(DailyPerformanceReference.PreviousClose,DailyPerformanceCalculationMode.Points,1)[0]