Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO)


The Percentage Price Oscillator displays the percentage difference between two moving averages. It is classed as a momentum indicator and is similar to the MACD in its construction.


The PPO can be used for divergence analysis. The divergences have the advantage of having a higher percentual hit rate. On the downside, they often appear too early and thus are hard for newer traders to assess properly.


PPO(int fast, int slow, int smooth)
PPO(IDataSeries inSeries, int fast, int slow, int smooth)
PPO(int fast, int slow, int smooth)[int barsAgo]
PPO(IDataSeries inSeries, int fast, int slow, int smooth)[int barsAgo]

//For the smoothed value
PPO(int fast, int slow, int smooth).Smoothed[int barsAgo]
PPO(IDataSeries inSeries, int fast, int slow, int smooth).Smoothed[int barsAgo]

Return value


When using this method with an index (e.g. PPO(12,26,9)[int barsAgo] ), the value of the indicator will be issued for the referenced bar.


inSeries Input data series for the indicator

fast Number of bars for the calculation of the fast EMA

slow Number of bars for the calculation of the slow EMA

smooth Number of bars for the calculation of the EMA signal line



//Output for the PPO
Print("The current value for the PPO is " + PPO(12, 26, 9)[0]);

//Output for the value of the PPO smoothed
Print("The current value for the PPO is " + PPO(12, 26, 9).Smoothed[0]);

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